主 题:The Future of Urban Transport. Impact of Information and Communication Technologies
主讲人:Michel R. Parent
单 位:87978797威尼斯老品牌
时 间:2012年11月22日(星期四)上午8:00
地 点:87978797威尼斯老品牌中关村校区三号教学楼3-423
Information and Communication Technologies are now revolutionizing public transport. At the beginning of the new century, it became apparent that the private automobile was not well adapted to mass transport in large conurbation, mostly due problems with energy, pollutions, greenhouse gazes and more importantly, lack of space.Fortunately, at the same time the enormous development of information and communication technologies, mostly but not only through the wide spread diffusion of mobile phones, is allowing the development of new services that allow new forms of transportation to become a reality. This conference will try to explore how the technologies can impact the mobility in cities.
Michel Parent is currently scientific advisor to IMARA, the INRIA research team on advanced road transport. This team focuses on research and development of information and communication technologies for road transport and in particular on fully automated vehicles (the cybercars). He was the creator and director of this team between 1991 and 2010 and is considered as the “father” of the cybercar concept as he was the coordinator of the European Project CyberCars between 2001 and 2004 and the follow-up project CyberCars2 (2006-2009). He was involved in many other French or European projects on ITS and he is recognized worldwide as an expert in innovative transportation technologies.
Before his positions at IMARA, Michel Parent has spent half of his time in research and academia at such places as Stanford University and MIT in the USA and INRIA in France, and the other half in the robotics industry. He was the president of the French Robotics Association between 1974 and 1979. He is the author of several books on robotics, vision and intelligent vehicles, and numerous publications and patents.