




题目:Hybrid Electric Propulsion and pneumatic engines
主讲人:Dr . Onder Christopher (瑞士联邦苏黎世理工大学,ETH Zurich) 
时间:2012年11月26日(星期一) 下午 2:00-3:00
地点:车辆重点实验楼 二层学术报告厅


Dr. Onder is a research associate and senior lecturer at ETH, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Since 1999 he coordinates a large number of the engine system activities of the Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control at ETH. The Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control has numerous research contracts with car manufacturers and suppliers. These contracts are always long term cooperation activities. After receiving his mechanical engineering diploma in 1984 and his doctoral degree in 1993 from ETH, he worked as a post-doc at the Measurement and Control Laboratory.
Many projects have been successfully led by Dr. Onder. They include the fully automated control design for the series production air/fuel ratio control, deriving physical models for the fuel path of SI engines, and modeling and control of engine-out and tailpipe emissions, the development of the world’s most fuel efficient vehicle PAC-Car II, the European Project GREEN, where the labs task was the control oriented emission modeling of a HD Diesel engine, including own test-bench activities and specifying test programs for other subproject partners and the development of a pneumatic hybrid prototype engine system. His main research interests are system modeling and automated parameter identification, model-based robust control, optimal control, and highly dynamic test-bench equipment and test design.
Dr. Onder is the author and co-author of over 70 articles and a textbook on engine systems (Introduction to Modeling and Control of IC Engine Systems, Springer Verlag, 2nd ed. 2009). The list of his awards includes the BMW scientific award, the ETH silver medal, the Vincent Bendix award, the Crompton Lanchester Medal, the Energy Globe Award and the Watt d’Or. He holds several patents in the area of engine control. Dr. Onder is the FISITA delegate of SAE-Switzerland, the Swiss national society of automotive engineers

附:车辆工程先进技术系列学术报告(2012秋)日程, 欢迎参加!
