




R硕导 £博导


87978797威尼斯老品牌 工业工程专业





项溪博士致力于运筹优化、考虑不确定因素的复杂系统鲁棒优化、随机优化、随机过程、在线调度等方面的研究主持国家自然科学基金青年基金一项,主持/共同主持国家部委项目2项,共发表学术论文40余篇,以一作/通讯作者发表SCI Top期刊论文16篇,代表性论文发表在优化领域主流期刊如《OmegaTRBTRE》《EJORIEEE TASEIJPR谷歌学术引用次数800










2019.7-2022.8,新加坡国立大学,工业系统工程与管理系,Research Fellow & 博士后,合作导师:Loo Hay Lee教授、 Ek Peng Chew教授








[28] Wang C, Wang Q, Xiang X*, Zhang C, Miao L. Optimizing integrated berth allocation and quay crane assignment: A distributionally robust approach[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2025, 320(3): 593-615. (SCI Top期刊).

[27] Xiang X, Xu X, Liu C, Jia S*. Liner fleet deployment and empty container repositioning under demand uncertainty: A robust optimization approach[J]. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 2024, 190: 103088. (SCI Top期刊).

[26] Xiang X, Liu C, Gong L*. Adaptive incentive mechanism with predictors for on-time attended home delivery problem[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2024, 197: 110570. (SCI Top期刊).

[25] Xiang X, Wang Z, Gong L*, Jia S, Liu X, Liu M. Integrated optimization of vessel dispatching and empty container repositioning considering turnover time uncertainty[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2024, 197: 110566. (SCI Top期刊).

[24] Xiang X, Liu C, Jia S*. Tactical vessel deployment and empty container repositioning considering container turnover times[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2024, 190: 110032. (SCI Top期刊).

[23] Xiang X, Chang X, Gong L, et al. An innovative framework for optimizing discrete berth allocation and quay crane assignment problems[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2024: 110827. (SCI Top期刊).

[22] Gong L, Huang Z, Xiang X, Liu X*. Real-time AGV scheduling optimisation method with deep reinforcement learning for energy-efficiency in the container terminal yard[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2024: 1-21. (SCI Top期刊).

[21] Liu, X., Yu, J., Gong, L., Liu, M., Xiang, X. (2024). A GCN-based adaptive generative adversarial network model for short-term wind speed scenario prediction. Energy, 294, 130931. (SCI Top期刊).

[20] Xiang X*, Lee L H, Chew E P. An Adaptive Dynamic Scheduling Policy for the Integrated Optimization Problem in Automated Transshipment Hubs[J]. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2023.(SCI Top期刊).

[19] Dongjun Cai, Xi Xiang*, Loo Hay Lee, Ek Peng Chew, Kok Choon Tan. Robot dispatching problem for compact storage and retrieval system with dual command transaction, Engineering Optimization, 2023, accepted. (SCI 重要期刊).

[18] Xiang, X., Fang, T., Liu, C. and Pei, Z., 2022. Robust service network design problem under uncertain demand. Computers & Industrial Engineering, p.108615. (SCI Top期刊).

[17] Xiang, X., Liu, C., Lee, L.H. and Chew, E.P., 2021. Performance Estimation and Design Optimization of a Congested Automated Container Terminal. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. (SCI Top期刊).

[16] Kanglin Liu, Changchun Liu, Xi Xiang*, Zhili Tian., 2023. Testing facility location and dynamic capacity planning for pandemics with demand uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research. (SCI Top期刊)

[15] Xiang, X. and Liu, C., 2021. An almost robust optimization model for integrated berth allocation and quay crane assignment problem. Omega, 104, p.102455. (SCI Top期刊)

[14] Xiang, X. and Liu, C., 2021. An expanded robust optimisation approach for the berth allocation problem considering uncertain operation time. Omega, 103, p.102444. (SCI Top期刊)

[13] Xiang, X. and Liu, C., 2021. Modeling and analysis for an automated container terminal considering battery management. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 156, p.107258. (SCI Top期刊).

[12] Liu, C., Xiang, X., & Zheng, L. (2020). A two-stage robust optimization approach for the berth allocation problem under uncertainty. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 32, 425-452. (SCI 重要期刊)

[11] Liu, C., Xiang, X., & Zheng, L. (2020). Value of information sharing in a multiple producers–distributor supply chain. Annals of Operations Research, 285, 121-148. (SCI 重要期刊)

[10] Xiang, X., Liu, C., Wang Y.,, Lee, L.L., 2020. Two-stage conflict robust optimization models for cross-dock truck scheduling problem under uncertainty. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 144, p.102123. (SCI Top期刊)

[9] Liu, C., Xiang, X., Zheng, L*., & Ma, J. (2018). An integrated model for multi-resource constrained scheduling problem considering multi-product and resource-sharing. International Journal of Production Research, 56(19), 6491-6511. (SCI Top期刊)

[8] Liu, C., Wang, Q., Xiang, X., & Zheng, L*. (2018). Minimising tardiness in hybrid two-stage batch scheduling problem in cyber-physical systems. European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 12(2), 276-306. (SCI期刊)

[7] Liu, C., Xiang, X., & Zheng, L*. (2017). Two decision models for berth allocation problem under uncertainty considering service level. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 29, 312-344. (SCI 重要期刊)

[6] Xiang, X., Liu, C. and Miao, L.*, 2018. Reactive strategy for discrete berth allocation and quay crane assignment problems under uncertainty. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 126, pp.196-216. (SCI Top期刊).

[5] Xiang, X., Liu, C. and Miao, L.*, 2018. Storage assignment and order batching problem in Kiva mobile fulfilment system. Engineering Optimization, 50(11), pp.1941-1962. (SCI 重要期刊)

[4] Zhu, X. M., Xiang, X., Zhang, R. T., & Chen, D. H. (2017). Modelling and simulation for automatic train protection systems using an integrated algorithm. International journal of heavy vehicle systems, 24(2), 140-157. (SCI期刊)

[3] Xiang, X., Liu, C. and Miao, L., 2017. A bi-objective robust model for berth allocation scheduling under uncertainty. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 106, pp.294-319. (SCI Top期刊)

[2] Liu, C., Xiang, X., Zhang, C., & Zheng, L. (2016). A decision model for berth allocation under uncertainty considering service level using an adaptive differential evolution algorithm. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 33(06), 1650049. (SCI期刊,)

[1] Xiang, X., & Zhu, X*. (2016). An optimization strategy for improving the economic performance of heavy-haul railway networks. Journal of Transportation Engineering(2017年起期刊改名称为:Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems), 142(3), 04016003. (SCI期刊)


国家自然科学基金青年基金: 复杂环境下航运物流网络设计与决策优化研究,2024-2026,主持。

国家部委项目: XXXXXX标准规范研制,共同主持,2024-2025

国家部委项目: 面向XXXXX低成本优化技术研究子课题,共同主持,2024-2025

国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于组合拍卖与深度强化学习的停车位-充电桩预约共享机制及算法研究2024-2027. 参与。

国家自然科学基金面上项目: 不确定情况下集装箱码头资源调度研究,2016-2019,参与。

横向课题: 神朔铁路科技发展规划编制2013-2016,主要完成人。

新加坡政府基金: 新加坡零售巨头NTUC FairPrice供应链优化研究, 2020-2021,优化组负责人。

新加坡政府项目: 新加坡下一代港口数字孪生平台,2018-2022,参与。


24届中国海外运输协会国际运输专业人员会议(CICTP 2024Area Editor
