姓 名 |
贾博儒 |
职 称 |
副教授 |
√博导 √硕导 |
学院及专业 |
87978797威尼斯老品牌 能源与动力工程系 |
办公地址 |
动力系统工程研究所306 |
邮编 |
100081 |
办公电话 |
010-68913041 |
邮 件 |
boru.jia@bit.edu.cn |
研究方向 |
(1)无人车、新能源汽车高效智能动力技术 (2)动力系统多物理场耦合仿真及智能控制 (3)新型动力系统设计及控制(自由活塞直线发电机、直线膨胀/压缩机) 欢迎具有动力、车辆、机械、控制等专业背景学生报考博士以及硕士研究生,招聘博士后研究员 |
代表性论文及研究项目 |
近五年共发表SCI论文近50篇,高被引论文5篇,影响因子>10的一作/通讯作者论文12篇,已获得授权发明专利20余项。近五年作为负责人主持国家级纵向项目/国防重点项目8项,项目经费超过1000万元。主持军科委重点课题2项、主持科工局新型动力项目1项、主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、国家级外专项目4项。以共同负责人主持英国EPSRC、英国交通部等多个重点项目。先后于武汉大学电子信息工程专业、87978797威尼斯老品牌车辆工程专业、英国纽卡斯尔大学机械工程专业攻读本科、博士学位以及副研究员工作。 代表科研项目列表: [1] 军科委重点项目,XXX可控循环技术及原理验证,410万元,负责人; [2] 科工局重点项目,车载XXX动力装置关键技术研究,697万元,负责人; [3] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,直线内燃发电系统多场耦合失稳机制量化分析及预测控制方法,24万元,负责人; [4] 国家外国专家项目,面向无人车的直线内燃发电装置关键子系统设计,26万元,负责人; [5] 87978797威尼斯老品牌青年骨干教师学术创新计划,直线内燃发电机失稳机理与协同控制理论研究,60万元,负责人; [6] 科工局,内燃发电装置XXX方法与验证,主要参与人; [7] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,自由活塞直线发电机电液机械系统非线性动力学建模与响应分析,主要参与人; [8] 英国EPSRC,A Zero-Emission Closed-loop linear-Joule CYcle (ZECCY) engine generator,共同项目负责人; [9] 英国交通部,A Compact Hydrogen Powered Range Extender,共同项目负责人; 代表期刊论文列表: [1] Chendong Guo, Zhengxing Zuo, Huihua Feng, Boru Jia*, Tony Roskilly; Review of recent advances of free-piston internal combustion engine linear generator; Applied Energy; Volume 269, 2020,115084. [2] Jian Li, Zhengxing Zuo, Boru Jia*,Huihua Feng, Yidi Wei, Zhiyuan Zhang, Andrew Smallbone, Anthony Paul Roskilly; Comparative analysis on friction characteristics between free-piston engine generator and traditional crankshaft engine; Energy Conversion and Management; 245 (2021) 114630. [3] Z Zhang, H Feng, Boru Jia*, Z Zuo, X Yan, A Smallbone, AP Roskilly; Identification and analysis on the variation sources of a dual-cylinder free piston engine generator and their influence on system operating characteristics, Energy 242, 123001, 2022. [4] Ziwen Cheng, Boru Jia*, Zhenfang Xin, Huihua Feng, Zhengxing Zuo, Andrew Smallbone, Anthony Paul Roskilly; Investigation of performance of free-piston engine generator with variable-scavenging-timing technology under unsteady operation condition; Applied Thermal Engineering; Volume 196, September 2021, 117288. [5] Huihua Feng, Zhiyuan Zhang, Boru Jia*, Zhengxing Zuo, Andrew Smallbone, Anthony Paul Roskilly; Investigation of the optimum operating condition of a dual piston type free piston engine generator during engine cold start-up process; Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 182, 2021, 116124. [6] Zhiyuan Zhang, Huihua Feng, Boru Jia*, Zhengxing Zuo, Andrew Smallbone, Anthony Paul Roskilly; Effect of the stroke-to-bore ratio on the performance of a dual-piston free piston engine generator; Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 185, 2021, 116456. [7] Chengqian Li, Yaodong Wang, Boru Jia*, Anthony Paul Roskilly; Application of Miller cycle with turbocharger and ethanol to reduce NOx and particulates emissions from diesel engine – A numerical approach with model validations; Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 150, 2019, Pages 904-911. [8] Yidi Wei, Zhengxing Zuo, Boru Jia*, Huihua Feng, Kun Liang, Influence of piston displacement profiles on the performance of a novel dual piston linear compressor; International Journal of Refrigeration, Volume 117, 2020, Pages 71-80. [9] Chengqian Li, Yaodong Wang, Boru Jia*, Anthony Paul Roskilly. “Application of Miller cycle with turbocharger and ethanol to reduce NOx and particulates emissions from diesel engine - A numerical approach with model validations”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 150 (2019): 904–911. [10] Ugochukwu Ngwaka, Boru Jia, Christopher Lawrence, Dawei Wu, Andrew Smallbone, Anthony Paul Roskilly. “The characteristics of a Linear Joule Engine Generator operating on a dry friction principle”, Applied Energy, 237( 2019): 49-59. [11] Boru. Jia, Wu, D., Smallbone, A., Ngwaka, U. C., Roskilly, A. P. “Dynamic and thermodynamic characteristics of a linear Joule engine generator with different operating conditions”. Energy Conversion and Management, (2018): 173, 375-382. [12] Boru Jia, D Wu, A Smallbone, C Lawrence, AP Roskilly. “Design, modelling and validation of a linear Joule Engine generator designed for renewable energy sources”, Energy Conversion and Management, 165, 25-34, 2018. [13] B Jia*, R Mikalsen, A Smallbone, AP Roskilly. "A study and comparison of frictional losses in free-piston engine and crankshaft engines", Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018. [14] Ziwei Zhang, Chendong Guo, Yu Song, Huihua Feng, Zhengxing Zuo, Boru Jia, and A. P. Roskilly. "Research on the engine combustion characteristics of a free-piston diesel engine linear generator." Energy Conversion and Management, 168 (2018): 629-638. [15] Boru Jia, Wu, D., Smallbone, A., Ngwaka, U. C., Roskilly, A. P. “Dynamic and thermodynamic characteristics of a linear Joule engine generator with different operating conditions”. Energy Conversion and Management, (2018): 173, 375-382. [16] C Guo, Y Song, H Feng, Z Zuo, Boru Jia, Z Zhang, T Roskilly. “Effect of fuel injection characteristics on the performance of a free-piston diesel engine linear generator: CFD simulation and experimental results”, Energy Conversion and Management, 160, 302-312, 2018. [17] Boru Jia, Guohong Tian, Huihua Feng, Zhengxing Zuo, Anthony Paul Roskilly, “An experimental investigation into the starting process of free-piston engine generator”, Applied Energy, 157, 798–804, 2015. [18] Boru Jia, Zhengxing Zuo, Guohong Tian, Huihua Feng, Anthony Paul Roskilly, “Development and validation of a free-piston engine generator numerical model”, Energy Conversion and Management, 91, 333-341, 2015. [19] Yanxiao Li, Zhengxing Zuo, Huihua Feng, Boru Jia, "Parameters matching requirements for diesel free piston linear alternator start-up", Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 7(3), 1687814015574408, 2015. [20] Huihua Feng, Chendong Guo, Chenheng Yuan, Yuyao Guo, Zhengxing Zuo, Anthony Paul Roskilly, Boru Jia, “Research on combustion process of a free piston diesel linear generator”, Applied Energy, 161, 395-403, 2016. [21] Boru Jia, Andrew Smallbone, Huihua Feng, Guohong Tian, Zhengxing Zuo, Anthony Paul Roskilly, “A fast response free-piston engine generator numerical model for control applications”, Applied Energy, 162, 321-329 , 2016. [22] Boru Jia, Zhengxing Zuo, Huihua Feng, Guohong Tian, Andrew Smallbone, Anthony Paul Roskilly, “Effect of closed-loop controlled resonance based mechanism to start free piston engine generator: simulation and test results”, Applied Energy, 164, 532-539. 2016. [23] Boru Jia, Andrew Smallbone, Zhengxing Zuo, Huihua Feng, Anthony Paul Roskilly, “Design and simulation of a two- or four-stroke free-piston engine generator for range extender applications”, Energy Conversion and Management, 111, 289-298, 2016. [24] Huihua Feng, Chendong Guo, Boru Jia, Zhengxing Zuo, Yuyao Guo, Anthony Paul Roskilly, "Research on the intermediate process of a free-piston linear generator from cold start-up to stable operation: Numerical model and experimental results", Energy Conversion and Management, 122, 153-64, 2016. [25] Boru Jia, Rikard Mikalsen, Andrew Smallbone, Huihua Feng, Zhengxing Zuo, Anthony Paul Roskilly, “Stable operation control of a spark ignition free-piston engine generator: a new approach”, Applied Energy, 2016. [26] Chendong Guo, Huihua Feng, Boru Jia, Zhengxing Zuo, Yuyao Guo, Anthony Paul Roskilly. Research on the operation characteristics of a free-piston linear generator: Numerical model and experimental results. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017. [27] Boru Jia, Andrew Smallbone, Rikard Mikalsen, Huihua Feng, Zhengxing Zuo, Anthony Paul Roskilly. Disturbance analysis of a free-piston engine generator using a validated fast-response numerical model. Applied Energy, 2016. [28] Y Wang, L Chen, Boru Jia*, AP Roskilly. "Experimental study of the operation characteristics of an air-driven free-piston linear expander", Applied Energy, 2017. |
成果及荣誉 |
(1) 国防科技进步三等奖1项 (2) 87978797威尼斯老品牌徐特立奖学金一等奖 |
社会职务 |
担任英国工程和物理科学研究委员会项目函评专家(EPSRC)、国际内燃机委员会‘Crankshaft Rules’工作组成员、中国内燃机学会混动分会副秘书长,担任SCI期刊Applied Science客座编辑、获得顶级期刊颁发的杰出审稿贡献奖5次,担任30余个个本领域SCI期刊审稿人,审稿数量超过200篇。 |