姓 名 |
覃文洁 |
职 称 |
副教授 |
□博导 Ö硕导 |
学院及专业 |
87978797威尼斯老品牌动力工程及工程热物理 |
办公地址 |
87978797威尼斯老品牌发动机西楼305 |
邮 编 |
100081 |
办公电话 |
68915926 |
邮 件 |
qinwj@bit.edu.cn |
研究方向 |
新型高能量密度能源装置的研发及应用 结构性能的数值模拟及其测试技术研究 机械系统数字化功能样机的建立、分析及优化研究 |
代表性论文及研究项目 |
代表论文: 1. Jingwei Xiao, Wenjie Qin *, Shangjie Xu. Interference and thickness design of bushing of connecting rod small end for anti-loosening. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2021, 127: 105556 2. Wenjie Qin, Min Wang, Wei Sun, Philip Shipway, Xudong Li. Modeling the effectiveness of oil lubrication in reducing both friction and wear in a fretting contact. 2019. Wear, 426–427: 770–777. 3. Wenjie Qin, Yixin Zhang, Chao Li. Determination of wear coefficient in mixed lubrication using FEM. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2018, 59: 629–639. 4. Wenjie Qin, X. Jin, A. Kirk, P. H. Shipway, W. Sun. Effects of surface roughness on local friction and temperature distributions in a steel-on-steel fretting contact. Tribology International. 2018, 120: 350–357. 5. Wenjie Qin, Zhi Zhang. Simulation of the mild wear of cams in valve trains under mixed lubrication. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2017, 231(5): 552-560. 6. Wenjie Qin, Cao Dong, and Xin Li. Assessment of bending fatigue strength of crankshaft sections with consideration of quenching residual stress. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2016, 25(3): 938-947. 7. Wenjie Qin, Zhe Yu and Qingdong Hou. Investigation of the dynamic behaviour of an automobile wiper system. International Journal of Vehicle Design, 2016, 72(2): 162-174. 8. Wenjie Qin, Jie Chao, Lunjing Duan. Study on Stiffness of Elastohydrodynamic Line Contact. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2015, 86(4): 36-47. 9. Wenjie Qin, Youming Chen. Study on optimal kinematic synthesis of cam profiles for engine valve trains. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2014, 38(17-18): 4345-4353. 10. Wenjie Qin, Caiyun Guan. An investigation of contact stresses and crack initiation in spur gears based on finite element dynamics analysis. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2014, 83(6): 96-103.
出版著作及教材: 1. 覃文洁,王国丽. 机械系统动力学原理与应用(机械工程前沿著作系列). 高等教育出版社,2021. 2. 覃文洁,程颖. 现代设计方法概论(国家“十一五”规划教材,第二版). 北京理工大学出版社,2012.
研究项目: 主要承担了工信部科工局基础产品科研项目——“高承载摆动摩擦副设计技术研究与试验验证”、“柴油机结构系统总体优化技术及试验验证”,轻型车辆动力型号专项的子项——“数字化柴油机研制技术——结构可靠性分析”等多项纵向项目的研究,此外还与企业合作开展了“大口径火炮闭气环的动态密封性能分析”、“电子电器零部件结构可靠性仿真分析”等横向项目的研究。
成果及荣誉 |
1. 高强化132柴油机关重零部件抗失效技术研究,2018,国防科技进步二等奖 2. 车用大功率柴油机总体设计技术研究, 2015,山西省国防科技工业科技创新奖二等奖 3. 车用大功率柴油机总体设计技术研究,2014,中国兵器工业集团公司科学技术进步奖三等奖
社会职务 |
中国机械工程学会、汽车工程学会高级会员,Applied Mathematical Modelling、Tribology International、International Journal of Mechanical Sciences、 Engineering Failure Analysis 等国际期刊审稿人。