姓 名 |
韩恺 |
职 称 |
教授 |
√博导 √硕导 |
学院及专业 |
87978797威尼斯老品牌 能源与动力工程专业 |
办公地址 |
87978797威尼斯老品牌动力系统工程研究所3楼325 |
邮 编 |
100081 |
办公电话 |
010-68914117 |
邮 件 |
autosim@bit.edu.cn |
研究方向 |
新能源动力系统建模与控制,燃料电池和综合智慧能源 |
代表性论文及研究项目 |
代表论文: [1] Lv, B.; Han, K*.; Wang, Y.; Li, X.. Analysis and Experimental Verification of the Sealing Performance of PEM Fuel Cell Based on Fractal Theory. fractal and fractional. 2023. [2] Xuanyu Wang; Kai Han; Xiaolong Li; Yongzhen Wang; Bao Lv. Study on Water Content and Water Saturation of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Under Dynamic Conditions. International Conference on Energy Storage and Intelligent Vehicles. 2023. [3] Zhaojing Ni; Camille Hespel; Kai Han*; Fabrice Foucher. Evaluations of the preferential evaporation of binary droplet by rainbow technique and simulation. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 2022. [4] Zhaojing Ni; Camille Hespel; Kai Han*; Fabrice Foucher. Transient evaluations of the temperature and diameter of an evaporating droplet stream by using rainbow technique and simulation. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 2022. [5] Zhaojing Ni; Camille Hespel; Kai Han*; Fabrice Foucher. Numerical simulation of heat and mass transient behavior of single hexadecane droplet under forced convective conditions. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER. 2021. [6] Zhaojing Ni; Camille Hespel; Kai Han*; Fabrice Foucher. The non-ideal evaporation behaviors of ethanol/heptane droplets: Impact on diameter, temperature evolution and the light scattering by droplet at the rainbow angle. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER. 2021. [7] Xuanyu Wang; Kai Han; Xiaolong Li; Chang Ke; Bao Lv; Hongxia Tan; Zhaonian Ye. Low-load Performance Analysis and Improvement Method of Automotive PEMFC System. Proceedings of China SAE Congress 2021 [8] Xiaolong Li; Kai Han*; Yu Song Dynamic behaviors of PEM fuel cells under load changes. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. 2020. [9] Yu Song; Kai Han*; Dongyang Wang. Thermodynamic analysis of fossil fuels reforming for fuel cell application. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY. 2020. [10] 倪兆静;韩恺*;庞博;陈浩. 高温高压环境下燃油液滴蒸发的特性试验. 内燃机学报. 2019. 发明专利: [1] 一种车载燃料电池氢气管道吹扫系统及方法. ZL202011102665.5. 2022. [2] 一种可调节燃料电池端板封装结构. ZL202110496437.9. 2022. [3] 燃料电池低电流下的压气机的控制方法和装置. ZL202011456524.3. 2021. [4] 一种单液滴蒸发实验装置. ZL201810661201.4. 2021. 研究项目: [1] 国家自然基金重大研究计划培育项目:环境属性和燃料属性对液滴蒸发过程的协同作用机理(91741121). [2] 国防基础产品创新计划:动力装置性能台架试验验证技术. [3] 广东省重点领域研发计划:高功率密度氢燃料电池动力系统集成. [4] 重庆市自然基金项目:质子交换膜燃料电池膜内铂沉积机理及多参数作用规律. |
成果及荣誉 |
[1] “全面融合全程贯通——军车动力领军人才培养模式探索”,北京市高等教育教学成果奖二等奖(排第3),2022. [2] “先进推进系统综合控制设计技术体系”国防科学技术进步奖三等奖(排第5),2018. [3] 87978797威尼斯老品牌第三届迪文优秀教师一等奖,2018. [4] 北京高校第十届青年教师教学基本功比赛一等奖和最佳演示奖,2017. |
社会职务 |
[1] 中国空天动力联合会航空活塞发动机技术专委会委员. [2] 重庆市军民融合发展战略专家咨询委员会专委会委员. |