1. 著作 [1] Yue Ma. Dynamics and Advanced Motion Control of Off-Road UGVs. Elsevier S&T Books [2] 马越, 项昌乐. 装甲车辆机电复合传动系统模式切换控制理论与方法. 87978797威尼斯老品牌出版社 [3] 10000个科学难题(制造科学卷)“复杂机电传动系统多维高频动力学问题及其控制” [4] 2016-2017机械工程学科发展报告(机械设计)“传动机械设计发展研究”. 中国科学技术出版社. 2018 [5] Innovative Techniques and Applications of Modelling, Identification and Control, Chapter Author, Springer 2. 近期主要论文 [1] WEI Z, MA Y*, XIANG C, et al. 2022a. An energy-saving regulation approach based on economic rotational speed and power split feature for more electric turboshaft engine. Aerospace Science and Technology [J], 130: 107913. [2] WEI Z, MA Y*, YANG N, et al. 2022b. Reinforcement learning based power management integrating economic rotational speed of turboshaft engine and safety constraints of battery for hybrid electric power system. Energy [J]: 125752. [3] RUAN S, MA Y*, YANG N, et al. 2022b. Real-time energy-saving control for HEVs in car-following scenario with a double explicit MPC approach. Energy [J], 247: 123265. [4] RUAN S, MA Y*, YANG N, et al. 2023. Multiobjective optimization of longitudinal dynamics and energy management for HEVs based on nash bargaining game. Energy [J], 262: 125422. [5] LI Z, MA Y*, WEI Z, et al. 2022b. Structured neural-network-based modeling of a hybrid-electric turboshaft engine's startup process. Aerospace Science and Technology [J], 128: 107740. [6] Ruihu Chen, Chao Yang, Yue Ma*, Weida Wang, Muyao Wang, Xuelong Du, Online learning predictive power coordinated control strategy for off-road hybrid electric vehicles considering the dynamic response of engine generator set, Applied Energy, Volume 323, 2022, 119592. [7] Wei,Zhengchao;Ma,Yue*;Xiang,Changle;Liu, Dabo Power Prediction-Based Model Predictive Control for Energy Management in Land and Air Vehicle with Turboshaft Engine, COMPLEXITY [8] Prasad, R., Ma, Y*., Wang, Y., & Zhang, H. (2020). Hierarchical coordinated control distribution and experimental verification for six-wheeled unmanned ground vehicles. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 0954407020940823. [9] Ruan, Shumin, and Yue Ma*. "Real-Time Energy Management Strategy Based on Driver-Action-Impact MPC for Series Hybrid Electric Vehicles." Complexity 2020 (2020). [10] L. Lin, Y. Ma*, and W. Chen, “Modelling and attitude control of novel multi-ducted-fan aerial vehicle in forward flight,” Int. J. Model. Identification and Control, vol. 31, no. 1, 2019.
3. 主持的主要科研课题 (1)机电复合传动装置研制,总经费7500万 (2)科技委科学基金项目,总经费500万 (3)“XXX工程”机电复合传动集成优化与综合控制,总经费1750万 (4)内蒙古一机集团重大专项“动力传动一体化试验测试系统”,总经费2436万 (5)国家安全重大基础研究课题课题四:“机电复合传动多功率流精确调控”,总经费600万 (6)“十二五”重大背景预研项目“机电联合制动技术”,总经费550万 (7)科技委创新特区项目“高功率密度机电复合传动技术”,总经费280万 |